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Makers of maternity + breast feeding

leave for 6 months
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        1. Hindi

          2. Urdu

          3. Bangali

          4. Gujarathi

          5. Marathi

          6. Kannad

          7. Tamil

          8. Malayalam

          9. Oriya

         10. English  

NUT : Availability of unlimited food and water round the clock in a food corner in the house within reach of children eliminates malnutrition.


Jadoo fro making Child Better !!!

To make Children Healthy...

Follow these 10 commandments...

1. Eat while play and play while you eat and
that is the way To be happy and all the way

2. Child every dress must have Snack filled pocket round the clock.
(Grams/roasted groundnuts etc.)Allow them to unknowingly eat continuously between the meals. Let children peck like chicken round the clock. (Principle growing children need food round the clock.)

3. Parents must have breakfast with the children and that of children’s choice.

4. Give LUNCH box in the school. No money please.

5. Avoid outside food.

6. Give 5/10 spoon oil daily,(with snacks food etc)

7. Children get 90 % less iol than their needs.
8. Give handfull of green salad/fruits/sprouted grains daily.

9. Children put on weight with food and not with tonics alone.

10. U.S.A.has banned animal milk for infants avoid it. It destroys appetite. If reduces irons absorption. This affects brain growth. It causes bleeding in intestines, causes anemia. England banned chocolates and candies for children. They spoil teeth. Avoid them. Do not give them on birthday. Give groundnuts roasted grams. Give all vaccines.

Who starves?

All without breakfast and lean thin people. Children without as a snack filled Pocket.Lactating mother not eating Snacks while feeding. Pregnant mother, not eating Snacks, Every 3 hours.

Made for health educated by :
Dr Hemant Joshi
Dr. Archana Joshi
Dr Joshi Children’s Hospital
Virar (W) 40103.