Child is God
Dream: Measles
Free Mumbai, Maharashtra & India
Measles is major child killer of
Here are the problems & solutions :
epidemic is not there children above 9 months are given this vaccine.
measles epidimic is going on.
Problem: WHO says that during
epidemic all the children starting from the age of 6 months should be given
measles vaccine.
tell this to all and get this done.(This is important as this is not
We can make
Please note following facts :
1. Many countries are
measles free.
2. We too can become
measles free by giving mealses vaccine to all the children
on war footing,
3. Mealses vaccine can be given,when polio vaccine is given ( at least where
facilities are available.}
4. Government gives measles
vaccine free of cost since 20 years.
the people have failed ourselves.Not even half
the children below 5 years get it.
5. Political parties take
all for voting.
let us all take 100 % of our children below 5 years to the
government clinic and give it.
us Treat all children as our children and let us do this.
have no vote, no note, no voice.
us become their guardians and do this.
6. In private single dose
vaccine is available. Make single as well as 5 dose (multi dose) vials
available in government supply. So that every baby who come for vaccine gets
7. Make measles vaccine
available all the times when the govt. vaccination centrre
is open.Don't give it on weekly basis. Make it
available round the clock if the centre is working round the clock.
8. Make vaccination centres"VACCINE
MALLS." Make all possible vaccines available round the clock, or at least
all the time when the centre is open.
9. Make Nation "Vacci" nation.
10 Make Hindusthan "Vaccinaisthan".
11. vaccination is most cost
effective way of improving chjild health. Means it
does maximum benifit in minimum cost.
12. We sent mission on moon
Very good.
We spend 5000 crore rupees every year on ISRO Indioan
Space Research Organaization.
13. Request: Establish IVRO
Indian Vaccine Reseach Organization. Give it 5000
crore rupees annually. We can make own vacines &
give to all children free of cost.
14. For example now we will
need iNjectable polio vaccine. Sabin,
who invented polio injectable vaccaine,
did not take its patent,so that poor may get it.Our vaccine companies can make it and we can give it to
all children.It is easy to make.
15. On the other hand
government had closed down 3 or 4 profit making vaccine making
government companies like Haffkine of Mumbai.
16. Every day every minute 5 children die in
Please make a private member's bill to establish IVRO Indian
Vaccine Reseach Organization.& to make
Let us act now. Every minute's delay means 5 more child deaths.
Dr. Hemant Joshi
Siddhesh Moharir